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Install PDFgui


The Python environment is ready by installing Anaconda. The Python version installed with Anaconda is 3.X. PDFgui is written in Python 2.X, so you need to tweak it before installation. Execute the following command using Anaconda prompt on Windows 10 or Terminal.app on macOS.

Windows Anaconda prompt (Windows10)
Open Anaconda prompt from Windows menu and type the following command.
macOS Terminal.app (late High Sierra)
Open a Terminal.app and type the following command.
Common to Windows10 and macOS
Follow the installation guide and run the following commands.
conda update -n base conda
conda config --set restore_free_channel true
conda config --add channels diffpy
conda create --name=py27 python=2.7
conda activate py27
conda install "diffpy.pdfgui>=1.1.2"
In the hands-on, Demonstration using Ni powder data will be performed.