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How to uninstall the software used for PDF analysis. Windows and macOS do it differently. Since each uninstallation method is described, beginners should refer to it.

Uninstall RIETAN-FP
Run the uninstall batch script or uninstall apple script that comes with the RITAN-FP package. These uninstallers will also delete the RIETAN_VENUS_examples directory under Documents, so make a backup if necessary before executing.
Delete Python system for Windows (Windows10)
Windows10 is anaconda uninstall guide to remove anaconda in 2 steps.Enter the following command using the anaconda prompt.
conda install anaconda-clean
Enter y in all dialogs below
Next, select "Add or Remove Programs" or "Uninstall a Program" in the Control Panel and select "Python 3.x.x (Anaconda 3.x.x)" and uninstall it.
Delete Python system for macOS (Late High Sierra)
Run anaconda-clean as you would on Windows.
Then uninstall pyenv. Execute the following command in the terminal.
brew uninstall pyenv-virtualenv <--If necessary
brew uninstall pyenv
rm -rf ~/.pyenv
Finally Uninstall Homebrew.
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/uninstall)"