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Install PDFgetX3


The Python environment is ready by installing Anaconda. User registration is required to usePDFgetX3.If you want to continue using the service after the course is over, please register as a user according to the download manual.Execute the following command using Anaconda prompt on Windows 10 or Terminal.app on macOS.

Windows Anaconda prompt (Windows10)
Open Anaconda prompt from Windows menu and type the following command.
macOS Terminal.app (late High Sierra)
Open a terminal and type the following command.
Common to Windows10 and macOS
conda update --all
If this command does not work, the path may not have been set. Go back to building the Python environment and check.Place PDFgetx3's whl module in the current directory.
pip install diffpy.pdfgetx-2.1.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
The installation will be finished in a moment.
pdfgetx3 --version
Execute the above command.
It is OK if
pdfgetx3 2.1.1
is displayed.

Next is the installation of PDFgui.